Are you struggling to sell your land and luxury properties?

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OTEGA's Sales Dilemma

One of the key facilitators spearheading this training brings with them an impressive track record. With a proven history of training Real Estate companies such as Mshel, Golden Bricks, and numerous others, his expertise is second to none. What sets him apart is not just his experience, but also his remarkable achievements in the field. Having successfully concluded deals amounting to over 12 billion Naira, his business acumen is truly exceptional. Moreover, his impact extends beyond individual successes – he has played a pivotal role in shaping the careers of over 1000 RealEstate sales professionals through their comprehensive training. As we embark on this training journey, participants can look forward to imbibing knowledge and closing deals like a pro!

Sell RealEstate Like a Pro

In this intervention, we’ll address the very problems that hold you back. Say goodbye to inconsistent revenue streams and deals falling out. Our training is tailored to equip you with the skills needed to find your ideal buyer, handle objections with ease, and close deals of 9-6 figures worth. No more headaches wondering while the revenue is not flowing in!!

What you will Learn

B2B Enterprise Sales Mastery Course


We have impacted a lot of RealEstate company's directors and executives. We have helped and still helping them scale their revenue from closing 0 to 1 deals to closing 9 figure deals in multiples. 

Learn the RealEstate Sales Magic.

Gain Undisputed Sales Empowerment Forever!

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Would you like your team to close 500 million Naira worth of deals each before December?


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